From Pablo
to Picasso

The birth of Cubism

Guided one-day activity

Horta de Sant Joan

Pablo Picasso was in Horta twice.

He was the first in 1899 to spend the holidays with Manel Pallarés, a classmate at La Lonja in Barcelona, where Pablo’s father was a painting teacher.

The second was in 1909, and he was a painter with very clear ideas. He came from Paris, had just painted “The Young Ladies of Avignon,” and had been commissioned by his dealer, Gertrude Stein, to paint as many paintings as he could in that style. I had to find a quiet place to do the work, and Horta was the destination. He painted more than 30 paintings, establishing him as the great painter of the 20th century and the creator of Cubism.

Route of the Picassian spaces in Horta de Sant Joan.
Visit to the Picasso Center.
Lunch of “clotxa” (a typical food in 1909) with Picasso wine from “Les Vinyes del Convent.”


Immersion tourist experience
accompanied by local guides

From the moment you arrive in Horta de Sant Joan, you will be accompanied by people from the town who will guide you and explain the various activities so that you can enjoy the day like never before and leave with a memory that will last a long time.

Cheers, and enjoy the experience!


Dine on traditional clotxa with OOVE flavor
Oli d’Oliva Extra Edge

Once you know Picasso’s history and the links with Horta and Cubism, we invite you to a “Clotxa” meal.

It is a ubiquitous country food in those times. It involved putting a herring, tomatoes, roasted garlic and olive oil in a large bun.

We have made an adaptation to current times that will make you enjoy the food. Pair it with a wine from the “Les Vinyes del Convent” Winery, made for the occasion and in the style of the early 20th century.

Transfer Possibility



635 27 90 01